Stephanie Lacarte

About the author

COVID-19’s community impact:  Zip lines running full speed at Treetop Eco-Adventure Park

Editor's note: This is one in a series of articles chronicling the effects of COVID-19 on businesses and organizations in Oshawa.“This year we had...

Contact tracing is the answer, not lockdowns

With the rise in COVID-19 cases surging past the initial number that put us in lockdown in the very beginning, there is a growing...

If you live in one of Oshawa’s priority neighbourhoods, your words can inspire art

Oshawa’s LivingRoom Community Art studio building recently closed because of the pandemic but the organization is still working online virtually to connect with...

‘Not everyone is doing well during these times’ but together, Oshawa can feed those in need

After seeing a Facebook post about a ‘monster food drive in Montreal,’ Kristine Dandavino, wanted to do the same in Oshawa.“If Montreal can...

